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  • alitmicsuppthafe

Download HP UX 11i v3 iso: A Guide to the Electronic Software Delivery Model

I guess I have two big questions at the moment. One, what do I need to download from the HP depot to be able to do this and secondly, is there any documentation out there that will help me with the install procedure.

download hp ux 11i v3 iso

You'll have to login with your HP Passport account which must be linked with your Support Agreement ID (SAID) that entitles you to access the .iso images. Once you login, click on the right-hand menu choice: Software Updates and Licensing and you'll be able to see what you are allowed to download.

I downloaded the following two ISO images and instead of burning them to DVD's, I thought of mounting them as /vsoe_d1 and /vsoe_d2 on our ignite server. Going to play around with that and see if I get it to work. 2ff7e9595c

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